Sunday, May 17, 2009

Women Empowerment

Recently I got an incentive to do more research on the contemporary Woman... and what brings her here ! I mean.... the history of women that has led to the present stand that they hold in society.

I realized that throughout history, women have always been subjected to servitude and lesser than a handful had ever stepped up to fight the tyranny. And although society has changed today, there are still a number of problems and cases of treason reported on a global scale against women.

Women are still considered the weaker sex by their male counterparts and only a highly educated man (and believe me... that's rare) would disagree.

So we must play our respective roles to combat the problems of women oppression and give them the platform for competing at the same level against men and also the equal rights that they deserve.

All hail women ! :)
Cheers !!

1 comment:

  1. according to a quiz- im athena, daughter of zeus who got intelectual tendencies in the society.
    so you should hail her ( or me for now ;) ) as she brought the likes in your life to this world.

    + Hail to women! yes - behind every successful man there is a woman :)
