Sunday, April 11, 2010

Adding your cards to zero

Less than 2 years ago, I remember a pleasant conversation with a friend while walking down the puddle ridden roads of PICT, a conversation more strikingly philosophical than our usual verbal grind.

I remember telling him about my plans ahead and my apprehensions of how a degree from a "not so well known" college would impede any high ambitions that my mind could ponder upon. The conversation was opposed by my friend, who had far too many whims in his head for life to predict. He said that our lives are like a game of cards. I didn't have much else to say after that, but always tried to decipher the hidden wisdom in it.

What happened between that day and now has really amazed me and has probably been the best time of my life. Points of view change in just a few months. And all your actions start behaving in exactly the way you think. You are what your thoughts are.
And I realized that this bizarre unpredictability of life seems better than trying to lay things before you on the table, in most colloquial dialects, called a 'plan'.

I have come a long way from that day and have had great moments of surprises, influence, failure and success. I slowly began to appreciate the ‘journey’ and the thought of life being an endless pursuit of the 'end of the tunnel' wasn’t as exhilarating. Everything being predictable and laid before you isn't the best thing after all, is it?